Customer Care Program
SNY Development Corporation’s commitment to you

Customer Care Program
SNY Development Corporation constructs each new home to meet or exceed all Ontario Building Code requirements. Like every new home in Ontario, your new home is covered by the builder’s warranty, which is enforced by Tarion.
Homes are covered by a statutory warranty for the first seven years. See below the detailed coverage for 30 days, one year, two years and up to seven years.
Prior to the time of your pre-delivery inspection, an SNY representative will provide you with your Tarion Homeowner’s Information Package. This booklet provides all of the information you will require with respect to your rights and responsibilities under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act*.
The objective at SNY Development Corporation is to deliver a home to you and your family without deficiencies. However, occasionally minor items will arise that require adjustments, which our Customer Service staff will address for you within 14 days of written notice.
Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI)
Approximately seven to ten days prior to the date of possession, a representative of SNY Development Corporation will conduct a walk through your new home. At this time they will review and educate you on how to use and maintain all of the operating systems in the home (Furnace, Air Conditioning Unit and setup of Smart Thermostat**, Plumbing and Electrical) so you are familiar with how to operate the equipment. Feel free to ask questions so that you are comfortable with their operation. Any minor items that are found during this visit, will be recorded on a warranty form, to document the conditions that existed prior to moving into the home. Rest assured, our highly trained specialists will find and note items that you may not notice that could potentially be an issue later on.
Statutory Warranty Coverage
Click here for more information
Think before you print. Let’s save the environment and use Tarion’s MyHome online portal to submit claims and manage your new home warranty.
Visit the link above to sign up for a MyHome account. If you prefer hard copies, please let the customer service department at SNY Development Corporation know, and they will be sure to provide you with a physical copy.
Interim Changes to Tarion’s Customer Service Standard
Effective September 14, 2020, there have been multiple changes and improvements that have been implemented on an interim basis. The following improvements have been made to the Customer Service Standard:
- Increasing homeowners’ ability to access help from Tarion by adding a 10-day grace period to the following;
- The initial 30 day claim submission period;
- The initial 30 day request for conciliation period;
- The year end claim submission period with written evidence the homeowner reported items to their builder during the first year warranty period;
- The year end request for conciliation period.
- Allowing homeowners to add additional items to forms during the first 30 day and year end claim submission periods.
- Tarion is increasing the types of claims that can be addressed anytime in the first year by expanding the definition of emergency claims to include any water penetration claims. For more information on the interim changes please click here
30-Day Warranty Form
The first month of occupancy of your new home is an exciting time, but you may find minor deficiencies which require repair. These items should be noted on the 30-Day Form, which is provided in the Homeowner’s Information Package, and submitted to SNY Development Corporation and Tarion before the 30th day of occupancy. A representative of SNY Development Corporation will contact you anytime between day 15 and day 30 to schedule a COVID safe in home inspection. At this time, you should also include any outstanding items from the PDI, which have not yet been addressed. The warranty forms can be easily completed online and are available on Tarion’s website at Simply click on MyHome to register to complete and submit your forms.
If a 30-Day form is not submitted, the homeowner will have to wait until the last 30 days of the first year of possession of the new home to notify the builder and Tarion of outstanding warranty items.
The One Year Warranty Form
Use the Year End Form (provided in your Homeowner’s Information Package or obtain one from the Tarion website) to notify the builder and Tarion of any outstanding warranty items, which you have observed since submission of the 30-Day Form, including any items that you listed on any of the previous forms that have not yet been rectified. If you require assistance or have any questions please contact SNY Development Corporation customer service department and we will be there to assist you.
The Two Year Warranty Form
The Two-Year warranty coverage is for water penetration through the basement or foundation walls; defects in materials and workmanship that result in water penetration of the building; defects in work and materials in the electrical, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution systems. Any warranted item needs to be reported to the builder prior to the end of the 2nd year in the house including any items that you listed on any of the previous forms that have not yet been rectified.
The Seven Year Major Structural Defect Coverage
In addition to the two-year warranty against major structural defects, the statutory warranty covers major structural defects from year three (3) to seven (7).
Your new home needs to be maintained even though building products used today has taken most of the burden away. It is your responsibility as the homeowner to ensure regular maintenance as it is a condition for coverage of certain warranty claims.
Watch Tarion’s video about maintaining your new home.
If you have any further question, do not hesitate to reach out to an SNY Development Corporation representative and they would be pleased to assist you.
* It is important that each homeowner is aware of and understands their rights and responsibilities under the Warranty Act.
** Included in every SNY Development Corporation Home